Wednesday, December 18, 2013

CEO-Centric Social Media Bootcamps; R U Clueless in the C-Suite Cubicle?

Courtesy of today’s WSJ, reporter Melissa Korn regurgitates an earlier story re: bootcamps for corporate bosses who, despite their leadership roles,  remain clueless about social media technologies and best practices–whether blogging, tweeting or how to position yourself properly and leverage social networks.

Excerpts from the WSJ story below..the bold/italicized comment is the take-away–and one that every/any C-Suiter should subscribe to:

“….Boardroom commanders are being assigned to basic training….Fearful their companies will fall behind because top bosses don’t have a firm grasp of technology or digital media, senior managers are taking lessons on how the Internet works….

Some firms are pairing individual leaders with young mentors, while others are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach the entire c-suite how to use social tools that most of their entry-level employees use without a second thought…

The goal isn’t for the CEO to parse the difference between a “like” and “share” on Facebook or take a spin on the company Twitter TWTR -3.60% account, though that is covered, too. Rather, instructors and managers say, a basic understanding of the digital landscape helps leaders make better decisions about what to invest in, as well as how to talk about it…” 

Below video provides insight courtesy of a “young-in” whose business is teaching grey-beards the ropes. Click here for the WSJ article

CEO-Centric Social Media Bootcamps; R U Clueless in the C-Suite Cubicle?

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